How to get your partner to dress better

How to get your partner to dress better

When you're head over heels you may not notice the little things about someone, but take away the blinding light of lust and you may find yourself a little embarrassed. 

Following up from our 16 things grown men should NOT be wearing, we're giving you a solution.

I can hear somebody screaming:

"This is SHALLOW. Why is it important? I love them for who they are not for what socks they wear." If it's not a problem now, you're probably not paying attention. Or they've got a good sense of style and you're safe.

But it is an issue with a LOT of stigma. 

There also comes a time in life where you'll want to introduce your partner to friends or family members. And the honest truth is, you can't make a first impression twice. Better fix the problem before judgement day comes.


If it's a first date, you have no control over what they wear. Observe but don't make any suggestions, be nice. Unless they show up dressed as a flamingo, it's probably best you don't vocal anything about their sense of style. 


In between dates, saying things like "I think you'd look nice in this" is a great way to make subtle suggestions. It's 2018. Send them outfit ideas on Instagram. It'll be received more of a compliment rather than a push.


Throw the idea of a shopping trip out there. Most guys will be happy to take the 'easy route' and have their outfits picked out for them. Bonus Tip: If the trip involves food, we're less likely to complain.


Send them online stores and discounts. People like convenience. ASOS and BoohooMAN are a great start for casual wear and often have sales on. And as you know for accessories - we've got you covered! 


If all else fails. Get a new man. You don't need this kind of negativity in your life. 




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